CJSL Elite Players
CJSL Elite Players U10
EPL is open to US Club and USYSA teams by invite only.
With great success the Cosmopolitan Junior Soccer League launched its first season of its exclusive Elite Players (CJSL-EP) this Fall 2018.
EP Mission Statement:
The mission of the CJSL-EP is to build and grow a high-performance league to ensure that the best players are competing against each other in local matches in a managed match day environment.
The CJSL-EP is an invitation only league open to teams that have demonstrated a recent history of on-field results and quality. The league will be in a single location throughout the season with on-site league officials to manage match day operations including field setup. Each match will feature an individually selected high-level certified referee.
The CJSL-EP will be a highly competitive and positive experience for the players. Each team will complete a post-game match report to ensure optimal league operations. In addition, all coaches and spectators will participate in creating a positive environment.
The inaugural season of the CJSL-EP played in Fall 2018 featuring 12 invited U10 teams*. With a continuation of the U10 age group for Spring 2019, the league will look to expand in Fall 2019 to include U10 and U11 age groups.
League Details:
$250 registration fee per U10 team plus shared referees fees per match
8-10 match season with playoffs and league championship if applicable
7v7 with 14-player game day roster, 25 player team roster
US CLUB or USYSA players cards are allowed
USSF small-sided rules with build out lines
Single New York City area with 2-turf field location to be announced
1 high-level certified referee system
On-site CJSL-EP matchday staff to manage check-in, field setup and instant help
Matchday on-site trainer for First Aid medical attention
CJSL-EP will supply an official “Select” size 4 soccer ball for each match
Dedicated CJSL-EP webpage for all schedules and scores
Standings to be kept in house only and shown only at coaches request
Coaching education opportunities and parent educational outreach seminars for participating teams